Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Golden Compass榛勯噾缃楃洏_171

id, as heads clustered close nearby. "It was because his daemon didn't change. They thought he was older than he looked, or summing,, and he weren't really a young kid. But really his daemon never changed very often because Tony hisself never thought much about anything. I seen her change. She was called Ratter..."
"Why are they so interested in daemons?" said Lyra.
"No one knows," said the blond girl.
"I know," said one boy who'd been listening. "What they do is kill your daemon and then see if you die."
"Well, how come they do it over and over with different kids?" said someone. "They'd only need to do it once, wouldn't they?"
"I know what they do," said the first girl.
She had everyone's attention now. But because they didn't want to let the staff know what they were talking about, they had to adopt a strange, half-careless, indifferent manner, while listening with passionate curiosity.
"How?" said someone.
" 'Cause I was with him when they came for him. We was in the linen room," she said.
She was blushing hotly. If she was expecting jeers and teasing, they didn't come. All the children were subdued, and no one even smiled.
The girl went on: "We was keeping quiet and then the nurse came in, the one with the soft voice. And she says,coach outlet canada, Come on, Tony, I know you're there, come on, we won't hurt you....And he says, What's going to happen? And she says, We just put you to sleep, and then we do a little operation, and then you wake up safe and sound. But Tony didn't believe her. He says-"
"The holes!" said someone. "They make a hole in your head like the Tartars! I bet!"
"Shut up! What else did the nurse say?" someone else put in. By this time, a dozen or more children were clustered around her table, their daemons as desperate to know as they were, all wide-eyed and tense.
The blond girl went on: "Tony wanted to know what they was gonna do with Ratter, see,jordans for sale. And the nurse says, Well, she's going to sleep too, just like when you do. And Tony says, You're gonna kill her, en't yer? 1 know you are,cheap nike air max. We all kn

绾冲凹浜氫紶濂囷細鐙瓙濂冲帆榄旇。姗盩he Lion,The Witch And_060

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_181

umb and not quite as long as his forearm, but when held in the hand it glowed as brightly as a lantern. Lightsticks shattered like glass, too; he had nearly lost Spray in the fire caused by the first he had owned. A small, age-dark ivory carving of a man holding a sword. The fellow who sold it claimed if you held it long enough you started to feel warm. Domon never had, and neither had any of the crew he let hold it, but it was old, and that was enough for Domon. The skull of a cat as big as a lion, and so old it was turned to stone. But no lion had ever had fangs, almost tusks, a foot long. And a thick disk the size of a man's hand, half white and half black,coach factory outlet canada, a sinuous line separating the colors. The shopkeeper in Maradon had said it was from the Age of Legends,coach outlet canada, thinking he lied, but Domon had haggled only a little before paying, because he recognized what the shopkeeper did not: the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai from before the Breaking of the World. Not a safe thing to have, precisely,Link, but neither a thing to be passed up by a man with a fascination for the old.
And it was heartstone. The shopkeeper had never dared add that to what he thought were lies. No riverfront shopkeeper in Maradon could afford even one piece of cuendillar.
The disk felt hard and smooth in his hand, and not at all valuable except for its age, but he was afraid it was what his pursuers were after. Lightsticks, and ivory carvings, and even bones turned to stone, he had seen other times, other places. Yet even knowing what they wanted-if he did know-he still had no idea why, and he could no longer be sure who his pursuers were. Tar Valon marks, and an ancient Aes Sedai symbol. He scrubbed a hand across his lips; the taste of fear lay bitter on his tongue.
A knock at the door. He set the disk down and pulled an unrolled chart over what lay on his desk. "Come,jordan shoes for sale."
Yarin entered. "We're beyond the breakwater, Captain. "
Domon felt a flash of surprise, then anger with himself. He should never have gotten so engrossed that he failed to feel Spra